Yes, I am afraid

You can’t remove the fear from my heart and mind because it comes from real reasons and from real experience.

Are they nice people? Yes most of them are nice and gentle. Do they deserve the rights that every human being deserves? Yes, no doubt.

The problem is not “them”. The problem is in the terrifying teachings they are promulgating.

I don’t have any teaching about killing them or others, but they have obligatory teachings that require them to kill others.

I don’t have any teaching about forcing others to be like me, but they have: “You either comply and be like one of them, or else!”

I don’t have any teaching about women slavery, but they have, and it is even closer to sex slavery!

They were nice neighbours, living together, sharing the same community, same resources, same means of life, but some of them remembered their teachings, and were ready to accomplish what their book mandated of them, and you know what? They – simply – did it. They killed their own community residents!

Am I afraid? Yes. Is this a kind of “phobia”? Maybe, but who can help me to forget, to cancel, to erase what was written in my conscious mind and deep within my heart?

Who can convince me, that those nice people who are sharing life with me, who live in my community, and do so peacefully right now, will not do the same things some day? After all, they are reading the same book! After all, this is what their companions did.

Is this a phobia? No this is reality! It is a very simple and direct conclusion: a nice person who adopts an evil ideology, will become evil. Every time, every place!

It is “bad-bookphobia”!

Calgary 18 February 2017


