Anti-Christian Activities
On Sunday, March 19th, 2017, the Guardian posted an article entitled: “Victory for Anti-Muslim Bigotry”. The title itself, garners disdain towards anyone who is a non-Muslim and further brands them as bigots.
What about the anti-Christian views of Mr. Yogi Adityanath, a proven extremist? He, along with another parliamentarian, in 2015, sponsored a bill proposing a national ban on conversions from Hinduism. Christians in Madhya Pradesh-Uttar Pradesh, have been beaten (males and females alike) to the point of unconsciousness because of their faith. Does the Guardian know – or even care - how many Christians are under persecution every day? Is the Guardian blind to the anti-Christian activities that continually occur in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates or Pakistan?
Of course, the big story that the Guardian chose to propagate was the banning of the full hijab across the European Union. The truth is that the ban affects not only headscarves - hijabs but also turbans, yarmulkes and crosses. What about the thousands of Christians who cannot place a cross on their churches in Gulf State countries, or the millions of Christians in Egypt who are forbidden from building a place of worship – a church? What about the thousands of Christians across North Africa who cannot even register themselves as Christians? Or the persecution of Christians by Muslim extremists in Brunei never seems to be newsworthy.
The question that all non-Muslims need to asking is this: Why is there so much emphasis and attention, by the media, on Muslim events and activities, when there are so many more people, globally, who are experiencing persecution and bigotry of astronomical proportions, daily?
Money is power and the Gulf states have both. Power can exert influence politically, socially and economically. The media is not exempt from the power of influence. What better way to spread an ideology than through the media which is under the influence of those with financial means to support it.
Calgary March 22nd 2017